Brake Information from our Experts

General wear and tear which reduces braking effectiveness and usually means that you need to have your brake pads and discs replaced. Brake fluid needs replacing this needs to be replaced every two years and is easily corrected although this could also indicate a brake fluid leak which will need specialist attention. If your brakes have become soft and spongy it is likely that this is the cause. Distortion brake discs can become out of shape and distorted over time and this is especially common on older brakes. Faults general faults can occur with any component on the braking system and these could be one of a range of issues such as warped callipers, faulty sensors and corrosion. The diagnosis of any brake problem is virtually impossible to do without a visual inspection. For this reason, Dexel Tyre & Auto Centre always recommends that you book your vehicle in for a free check, to ensure that we will only quote for and replace exactly what you need.

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