Tyre Puncture Repairs
Repairing a tyre is not as straightforward as you first might think. To perform the repair correctly and in accordance with the British Standard BS AU 159, a complex, multi-stage process must be adhered to, ensuring that once complete the tyre is safe to operate to its original capabilities.
Can my tyre be repaired?
It is essential that you stop driving on your flat tyre as soon as you notice it. This will give it the best chance to be repaired. Driving for even a short distance on a flat tyre will damage the tyre's airtight inner liner, preventing a tyre repair from being carried out.
Assuming the tyre has not sustained damage to the inner liner, the primary factor affecting the type of repair the tyre can have is the location of the puncture.
British Standard BSAU159 states that for a minor car tyre puncture repair, the puncture must be within the central 60% to 70% of the width of the tyre, depending on tyre size. This part of the tyre is known as the minor repair area.

Outside of this area is the major repair area. Within the major repair area, the tyre may still be repairable in a limited number of cases, but it must be sent away to an accredited major repairer / re-moulder. Very often, the tyre will be away for some days or weeks, making a tyre purchase necessary in the interim. It can also be quite expensive, with some major repairs costing as much as £40. For these reasons, only a very small number of customers ever even consider having a major tyre repaired.
Runflat tyre repairs
We do not offer car tyre puncture repairs on run-flat tyres, as we and many leading tyre manufacturers, such as Pirelli, Hankook, and Continental, do not believe the requirements of British Standard BS AU 159 can be satisfied when repairing a run-flat tyre.
Due to the reinforced construction of run-flat tyres, it is impossible to accurately determine from a visual inspection whether there is any internal sidewall damage resulting from driving on the tyre at low pressure. The sidewalls of run-flat tyres would not show creasing as standard tyres would, but they could still have internal sidewall separation, dramatically weakening the tyre.
To find out more about why it is essential for car tyres to be repaired to the British Standard BS AU 159 and to see what is involved in a British Standard Puncture Repair, have a look at these two articles.